calling ALL YOGA TEACHERS & WELLNESS professionals!

ready to grow 🙌🏼 your BUSINESS with retreats?


with Arianne Om

The 5-Figure Retreat Blueprint

Get the step-by-step formula on how to get started with hosting a retreats so you can pursue your passion while growing your business!

Tuesday, May 21st -at 1:30pm EST // 10:30am PST

Business and Marketing Coach


with Arianne Om

The 5-Figure Retreat Blueprint

Get the step-by-step formula on how to get started with hosting a retreats so you can pursue your passion while growing your business!

Tuesday, May 21st at 1:30pm EST // 10:30am PST

Business and Marketing Coach

In this free training I'll share:

  • How to lead a retreat successfully, no matter the size of your audience or following.

  • Uncover the secret to creating the perfect retreat that aligns with your business goals and gets you closer to your dream lifestyle.

  • Learn how to set the right price for your retreat to ensure that you walk away with a profitable venture and your attendees with a life-changing experience.

  • Attract your ideal customers by crafting the perfect retreat curriculum that speaks directly to their needs and desires.

  • Get ready to transform your sales game with the proven tactics that have helped me take hundreds of people on unforgettable retreats to all corners of the world.

...and some great social media marketing strategies as bonus!

"Ari's helped me make the MOST money in my business ever with retreats!"

- Chloe Ravel, Retreat Leader + Wellness and Mindset Coach

This webinar is not for you if...

  • You're not interested in helping people in a bigger way and making more money.

  • You're not willing to take risks or try new things to improve your business revenue.

  • You're expecting all the pieces to fall into place with little to no effort into planning and executing a successful retreat.

  • You're not open to learning and implementing new strategies for marketing and sales.

This webinar IS for you if...

  • You've been wanting to lead retreats but are feeling overwhelmed or scared to start.

  • You're ready to step up in your business goals and see retreats as one of them!

  • You're ready to help your clients in deeper ways, transform all while being in a special location.

  • You're looking for guidance from someone who's been there and can teach you based on experience.

In this free training I'll share:

  • Why you can lead a retreat, no matter if you have a large database or following.

  • How to create the RIGHT type of retreat for where you're at in your business - and why you're more ready than you think.

  • How to price your retreat so you actually walk away with money and incredible life changing experiences.

  • Why creating the right curriculum is how you'll attract the best customers!

  • What are the best sales tactics I've used to take hundreds of people to all corners of the world.

...and some great social strategies as bonus!

"Ari's helped me make the MOST money in my business ever with retreats!"

This workshop is for you if...

  • You've been wanting to lead retreats and are overwhelmed or scared to start.

  • You're ready to step up in your business goals and see retreats as one of them!

  • You're ready to help your clients in deeper ways, transform all while being in a special location

  • You're looking for guidance from someone who's been there and can teach you based on experience.

It's NOT for you if...

  • You're not interested in helping people in a bigger way and potentially making more money.

  • You're wanting to do little work on marketing and sales in your retreat

  • You're completely new to your field and don't have any experience leading others

  • You're expecting all the pieces to fall into place with little to no work.

Meet Your Host 👇🏼


Business and Marketing Coach for Yoga Teachers, Self Development & Wellness Professionals

Hola! I'm Arianne Business Coach for Holistic Leaders.

Just like you, I started my own business because I wanted to freedom and ownership in my life and make an impact on others.

In the past 20 years I've traveled the world over leading trainings, retreats and conferences... all while generating income doing the things I loved. I now coach others on their success journey to being bold in business and leading with heart and passion!

Now it's YOUR time to let me help you build your dream! If you are ready to work with only the best clients and get paid what you're worth (A LOT) to change their lives, join me for my free live event. You'll be glad you invested in your growth.

Disclaimer - This event is entirely free and will give you actionable steps to growing your online coaching, consulting or info product business. Results are not guaranteed or typical. In fact, a lot of hard work is involved. At the end of the event, a program will be offered for purchase.


Copyright © 2023 • Arianne Om • All Rights Reserved